With ,
we can apply styles to multiple selectors at the same time. Just as a quick example, which you may see in different reset CSS files; the code below selects both <html>
and <body>
and describes the margins to be 0
body {
margin: 0;
Also you can join more selectors (more than just 2).
Combinators are great tools to create complex CSS styles, otherwise most things will have a fairly static style through the lifetime of the page, which can be not cool... Oh well. Actually, the multiple selectors mentioned above can be categorized as a type of combinators; there are a few more that come handy.
: Any element matching B
that is a descendant of an element matching A
(that is: a child, or a child of a child, etc.)
Note there isn't really anything but a space between A
and B
, and this makes a difference from A, B
<style type="text/css">
p {
font-family: sans-serif;
article p {
font-family: serif;
<p>...</p><!-- This will look different from the <p> above -->
A > B
: Any element matching B
that is a direct child of an element matching A
<style type="text/css">
article > section {
border: solid 1px gray;
<section><!-- This will have a gray border -->
<section><!-- This won't have a gray border -->
<section><!-- This will have a gray border -->
A + B
: Any element matching B
that is the next sibling of an element matching A
<style type="text/css">
p {
font-weight: normal;
h1 + p {
font-weight: bold;
<p>...</p><!-- The text will be bolded -->
<p>...</p><!-- Here it will not -->
<p>...</p><!-- Nor here -->
A ~ B
: Any element matching B
that is one of the next siblings of an element matching A
<style type="text/css">
p ~ span {
font-style: italic;
<span>...</span><!-- The font is not italicized -->
<span>...</span><!-- Not here -->
<p>...</p><!-- However, after <p> -->
<span>...</span><!-- The font is now italicized -->
<span>...</span><!-- And the same applies to every one after the paragraph -->
<p>...</p><!-- Just another <p> -->
<span>...</span><!-- The effect still continues (if not strengthened) -->