Objects & Inheritance

What color is it? (sp15-mt2-4)

Implement the look method of the Dress class. The look method returns a Dress instance's current color when the number of times that the instance's look method has ever been invoked evenly divides the total number times that the look method of any Dress instance has ever been invoked. Otherwise, the instance's color changes to the most recently returned color from any call to look, and None is returned.

class Dress:
  What color is the dress?

  >>> blue = Dress('blue')
  >>> blue.look()
  >>> gold = Dress('gold')
  >>> gold.look()
  >>> blue.look() # 2 does not evenly divide 3; changes to gold
  >>> Dress('black').look()
  >>> gold.look() # 2 does not evenly divide 5; changes to black
  >>> gold.look() # 3 evenly divides 6
  >>> Dress('white').look()
  >>> gold.look() # 4 evenly divides 8
  >>> blue.look() # 3 evenly divides 9

  seen = 0
  color = None

  def __init__(self, color):
    self.color = color
    self.seen = 0

  def look(self):
    if :