Higher Order Functions

Digit Fidget (fa15-mt1-3)

IMPORTANT DEFINITION Each digit in a non-negative integer n has a digit position. Digit positions begin at 0 and count from the right-most digit of n. For example, in 568789, the digit 9 is at position 0 and digit 7 is at position 2. The digit 8 appears at both positions 1 and 3.

  1. Implement the find_digit function, which takes a non-negative integer n and a digit d greater than 0 and less than 10. It returns the largest (left-most) position in n at which digit d appears. If d does not appear in n, then find_digit returns False. You may not use recursive calls.

    def find_digit(n, d):
      Return the largest digit position in n for which d is the digit.
      >>> find_digit(567, 7)
      >>> find_digit(567, 5)
      >>> find_digit(567, 9)
      >>> find_digit(568789, 8) # 8 appears at positions 1 and 3
      i, k = 0, 
      while n:
        n, last = n // 10, n % 10
        if last == :
        i = i + 1
  2. Find all values of y between 1 and 9 (inclusive) for which the final expression below evaluates to True. Assume that find_digit is implemented correctly.

    def compose1(f, g):
      def h(x):
        return f(g(x))
      return h
    f = lambda x: find_digit(234567, x)
    compose1(f, f)(y) == y